INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRIWORLD [IJAW] is an international half-yearly journal of life sciences with international editorial board. The journal is online first and then printed. We suggest authors to make themselves aware of policies on ethical publishing practices defined by the above mentioned organisations. All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that can influence their work.

The Agriworld Journal aims to publish original peer reviewed/refereed research paper/reviews on all aspects of life sciences. The journal encourages to report on hot issues such as Agriculture, Agroforestry, Environment, Natural resources, Wildlife, Climate change, Biodiversity, Waste management, Biotechnology, Conservation, Eco-technology Rural development, Women empowerments, Food security, Soil & Water Management, Socio-economic, Landscaping, Genetic engineering and Improvement, Animal Husbandry & dairying and so on.

Open Access Policy
All research articles published in International Journal of Agriworld [IJAW] journal is fully open access: immediately available to read free, download and share to anyone. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial License, which allows to us, copy, distribution and transmission an article in any medium and provide the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Agriworld [IJAW] journal supports open access to the published output of its activities as a fundamental part of its mission and a public benefits to be encouraged wherever possible.
International Journal of Agriworld policy on open access applies to: All publications published by Samagra Vikas Evam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti (SVPSS).
Abstracting, Archiving and Indexing
The International Journal of Agriworld [IJAW] Journal’s articles are published by Samagra Vikas Evam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti (SVPSS) and have main objects of publisher to encourage and facilitate innovative research inspiring the Agriculture and Life Sciences field at National as well as International level.

Title: International Journal of Agriworld
E- ISSN: 2582-7537
Frequency: Half Yearly
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hemant Kumar
NAAS Rating : XXX [w.e.f. XXXX]